Horst Trades CL June 17th 2015

Horst 06-17-15-

Horst Trades CL June 17th 2015 Any time we take a trade we call into action the two hemispheres of our brain. How well they play together determines how well you will trade. The left brain is your conscious mind, while the right brain hosts the subconscious. Your subconscious mind or right brain triggers to emotion any time you leave your comfort zone. Any time a familiar established life pattern is interrupted, emotions are initiated. Uncertainty and confusion trigger emotions. All traders face uncertainty, but, a trader that has no prior successful trading records vouching for his credibility, is probably cynical of his skills to to begin with. Skilled traders that have proven they know how to trade, have eliminated that area of self doubt and uncertainty. They are able to differentiate between trading malfunctions and emotional malfunctions. Trading maturity and emotional maturity are 2 different animals, even though they love to play together.

If firstly a trader can’t comfortably double a demo account, they most likely are misdiagnosing their physiological side of trading if they are using emotion as their scape goat. They possibly have not achieved that level of understanding in trading yet and aren’t aware of the real issue, lack of skill. Blaming emotion in this scenario would be putting the cart before the horse. Unfortunately many traders will never reach that level of trading consistency to initiate concern about the real emotional diagnosis. Imagine someone blaming emotion for their failure if they haven’t mastered technical trading yet? Can you imagine how hopelessly frustrating this would be? They are unaware that they are unaware to why they are unaware.

Once my students have graduated and they now know how to trade technically, they should be able to comfortably double their demo accounts consistently. They should be able to double a 5k account trading 1 contract, or a 10k account trading 2 contracts every 6-8 weeks over and over again, effortlessly. That’s the recommendation, but I stress that they make it the rule. If they can’t, they have no business trading cash yet. Proving to yourself that you can actually trade on demo gives you credibility when addressing the subconscious mind. If you experience any misplaced emotion in your trading, you can now demand to know why, because there is no reason for it.

You have proven that you really do know how to trade technically. You have proven this by practicing, over and over. You can now grab the subconscious by the collar and tell it to back off. You now have a leg to stand on when making your case. The highly intuitive subconscious has witnessed all your accomplishments. You are not just defensively covering up a skeptical track record with self serving excuses. You can’t fool the subconscious mind. It knows when you’re bluffing and will cause confusion and uncertainty if you are. This type of emotional uncertainty creates an impasse.