Day Trading Basics Noticing All The Signals Before Trading Day Trading Basics Noticing All The Signals Before Trading Horst Trades TF Dec. 3rd 2015 Most days the regimented systematic approach to pre market analysis is quite simple. It shouldn’t take more than 3 to 5 min. on any given morning

Any more time spent than that will only result in confusion. We need the facts, and nothing more than the facts. When we spend too much time analyzing the market and what it might do, we draw conclusions.

BIG, BIG mistake. Once we have drawn a conclusion we have a tendency to get the ego and emotions involved and try to prove our theory to be true. The worst thing a trader can do is think, or i should say more precisely, overthink.

Best results will be obtained when traders trade what they see, rather than trade what they think. Since there is no way of knowing what what will happen next with 100% accuracy, we need to listen to what the charts are saying, not what we believe they have already said.

They zig, we zag, they zag we zig. It’s a beautiful harmonic dance. The market leads, and we follow. If attempted the other way around, guaranteed failure is immanent. Trade what you see, not what you think. Thinking will only get you in trouble.